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New Wings Page 17

  After heaving up everything I’d eaten that day, I washed my face and went back into the bedroom and lay down on the bed. “How did you know I was in trouble?”

  “I knew you were nervous about tonight, so I prayed for you this afternoon. While I was praying, I felt like something bad was going to happen, so I decided to go to Andy’s and check on you. If everything was all right I’d make some excuse, like that I needed some homework information from you. When I got there, I saw Andy’s car but no other car that could be his parents’, and since they don’t have a garage, I got scared, knowing they probably were not there.”

  She adjusted the pillow under my head and tucked her blanket in around me. “I knocked, but there was no answer. So I banged on all the windows. Finally Andy answered the door. I shoved past him, called out your name, and looked in every room until I found you.”

  “I’m glad you listened to the Holy Spirit’s prompting.”

  “And I’m sorry I encouraged you to see Andy again.”

  “Your parents called me, asking if I knew where you were when you were late. I told them you’re here and you’re safe. I asked them if you could spend the night with me. Your mom seemed fine with it.”

  Relief flooded over me. I could rest and gather my senses before having to face my parents. “Can I borrow something to sleep in?”

  “Sure.” Christina opened a dresser drawer and pulled out some cute pink shorts and a gray shirt. As I rose from the bed to grab them, I stumbled. Christina steadied me, then helped me undress and put on the clothes.

  I felt around beneath me to make sure I sat on the bed and didn’t fall to the floor. I lay back down. Christina went back to reading her book. I wondered what I should tell my mom about what happened tonight. How much did I dare tell her? What would I say to Andy at school on Monday?

  I wanted to ask my guardian angel to beat the snot out of Andy. I’m sure that wasn’t biblical. But I was sure Mike was dying to deck him. Had he played a part in saving me tonight?

  “Do you even have to wonder?” Mike whispered in my ear.

  I closed my eyes. How could I ever doubt it?



  “Andy’s body was occupied by a demonic force tonight. Remember the disembodied Nephilim spirit, Lagarre, that I told you about one time?”

  The one that goads you all the time and tries to detain you and kill your charges?

  “That’s the one. I’m afraid he’ll be back again—and that it will be a more intense attack than tonight.”

  I swallowed hard, wondering if he’d ever been successful in killing one of Mike’s charges. Would he succeed in killing me?

  Chapter 20

  THE SECOND-TO-LAST BELL of the day rang, and I sprang from my chair in study hall last period and raced toward my locker, anxious to get out of the stuffy, windowless classroom and into my car to head home. I didn’t have volleyball practice that day, and I was glad for the break.


  I turned and saw Ty, our star football quarterback, jog up to me, wearing his letterman jacket.

  “Hey, Ty. What’s up?”

  He let out a nervous sigh. “I want to do something really special for Eden to thank her for praying for me when I was hurt. It’s taken me this long to get up the nerve.”

  How can Mr. Popular be so insecure when it comes to girls? Hoping he had only pure intentions when it came to my dear friend, I said, “Did you have something in mind?”

  “I was thinking about having a private dinner for her at my house.” Warning flags went up in my brain. “How private?”

  “My parents are going out Saturday night, so I was thinking—”

  “Forget it.” I flicked the padlock on my locker, wanting to strangle him.

  “Eden doesn’t need some guy trying to get her alone and—”

  “Actually, I was hoping you’d come too.”

  I glared at him. Was he suggesting what I thought? What a perv!

  “I . . . I mean to help. I haven’t a clue how to cook. And you’re her friend, so you’d know what she likes to eat.”

  I was ashamed at my judgmental thoughts.

  “Plus, I think you’d make a terrific chaperone. After all, I wouldn’t want to do anything that might seem inappropriate.”

  I peered at him, trying to decide if I needed to reevaluate this guy. I’d never heard any rumors about him being a player. I guessed people just assumed that kind of thing when it came to someone like him. Was he being honest, or just backpedaling because he knew I didn’t approve of what he was really after?

  “I don’t even know if she’d say yes. I’m not sure if she likes me.”

  My heart softened. This guy is really legit. He’s not arrogant. I think he is actually insecure in a way. Bizarre!

  Knowing how Eden felt about him, his insecurity made me want to giggle. But I couldn’t tell him that. Let him win Eden over by being honorable. I didn’t want to make it easy for him, knowing she had a crush on him. “Well, she is really picky about boys.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. I mean . . . I hope I can measure up.”

  There’s nothing more attractive than a gorgeous guy who isn’t impressed with himself.

  “I might be willing to help you.” I’d softened my tone. Hey, at least myself and two angels would be there to protect Eden.

  A grin lit up his face. “Do you know how to cook?”

  “Of course.” I wasn’t exactly a chef, but I could follow a recipe. And my mom had some good ones.

  “Great. Are you free Saturday night?”

  It wasn’t like I had anyone planning a private dinner for me. “Sure.”

  “Thanks.” He rolled his eyes. “You have no idea how much this means to me.”

  He had no idea how much this would mean to Eden.

  “I’m going to call her right now.” He started dialing as he walked down the hallway.

  I had no doubt that she’d accept his invitation. I only wondered how soon she’d call to tell me about it. And what she’d tell me she wanted me to make for dinner when I asked her for her preference.

  My cell phone rang three minutes later. It was Eden. I smiled as I answered.

  “Ty asked me to dinner at his place! And he said you are going to cook for us!”

  “Yep. I’ll be there to keep him honest.”

  She squealed. “Liv, I’m so nervous.”

  “Don’t worry. Be yourself. And pray. Don’t be a fool like me and not consult God before going out with a guy.”


  “Yeah. He’s a creep.” I didn’t want to tell her all the details. It was bad enough that Christina knew.

  “I’m sorry, Liv. I love you, girl.”

  “Love you too! Now, start thinking about what you want me to cook and let Ty know, and he and I will take care of it all.”

  “You’re the best! Bye!”


  When I hung up, I felt excitement and anticipation about Eden’s special date. I certainly wouldn’t spy, but it would be fun watching them exchange shy glances at each other as I served them.

  On Saturday morning I went shopping for all the things I needed to make Ty and Eden’s dinner a success. Eden had requested my mother’s three-cheese ravioli with white cream sauce, which she’d eaten at our place a few times. Mom offered to make the pasta for me. She even agreed to bake her famous cheesecake smothered in chocolate sauce and topped with strawberries.

  While Mom worked on making the ravioli in the kitchen, I put a bunch of Eden’s favorite songs on my iPod. I thought that would be a special touch, and Eden would be so happy I gathered all her songs for her special night. I sat at the kitchen table so I could help if Mom needed my assistance.

  “Mom . . . about the other night at Andy’s house . . . ”

  She put her hand up to stop me. “Christina’s mother explained.

  Christina filled her in. I’m very disappointed in my friend’s son.”

�Yeah, me too.”

  Wow, gossip travels fast. At least I won’t have my mom pushing me to go out with Andy again just because he’s her friend’s son.

  “I’m glad you weren’t hurt. But I’d sure like to—” She made a twisting motion with her hands as if she were wringing Andy’s neck. She wiped her hand on a dishtowel. “I’m sorry, I had no idea that young man would get fresh with you . . . much less drug you.”

  “I hope this doesn’t hurt your relationship with Andy’s mom.”

  “Well, don’t worry about that. I’ll have a talk with her. She needs to know her son is preying on young girls. It’s despicable.”

  “Thanks for helping make this dinner with Eden and Ty special.”

  “Oh, I’m happy to, after what you went through. I’m glad you’ll be there. I don’t know this Ty boy. At least you can be sure Eden is OK.”

  “Right, Mom. I feel the same way.”

  Mom shot me a rare smile. I smiled back.

  “Could you check on the cheesecake, dear?” I loved hearing her use that endearing word and felt warm inside. This was how mothers and daughters should be. Talking, sharing, doing things side by side.

  I hustled to the oven and grabbed the potholders. I turned on the light and peeked in to see that it looked perfectly done. Before taking it out I asked, “Mom, what do you think?”

  She bent over and admired her perfect baking. “Looks marvelous.”

  I pulled it out, smelling the wonderful, sweet aroma rising from its warmth, and set it on the stovetop to cool. Later we would chill it in the refrigerator until right before I left for Ty’s house.

  At four o’clock I drove to Ty’s place with a backseat full of brown paper bags and a covered glass pan of ravioli.

  When I pulled up in front of his house I saw him in the front doorway, dressed in a blue sweater, khaki pants, and a tie. Nice!

  As he strode across the yard toward my car he said, “Hey, let me give you a hand with that.”

  “Well, thanks.”

  After he helped bring in the bags of groceries, I peeked into the dining room and noticed he’d set out good china and candles in a crystal holder.

  “Pulling out all the stops tonight, eh?”

  He blushed. “I want everything to be perfect.”

  If I knew my friend she’d be more impressed with his character and manners than pretty dishes and tasty food.

  I set my iPod into the docking station on the china cabinet shelf. “Do you mind?”

  “Oh, not at all.”

  “I downloaded all her favorite songs.” I grinned at his pleased expression, then gave him a knowing wink.

  This was going to be a night to remember for my friend. A gorgeous guy, a fancy dinner, her favorite music playing. She deserved it. And down deep inside me, my romantic nature wanted to see this couple really hit it off.

  I set sliced cheddar cheese and wheat crackers—one of Eden’s favorite snacks—on a coffee table in the living room, then joined Ty in the kitchen. He’d already unpacked the paper bags and set everything on the counters. He gave me a quick overview of where to find everything in the vast kitchen.

  Ty stood behind me as I turned the oven on. “I’m going to invite her into the backyard after desert. I have a surprise for her. I hung little white paper Japanese lanterns on the trees. So when we get to the sliding door, could you flick the switch so the little lights come on once we are outside?”


  “Sure thing. Nice touch, Ty. I’m impressed.” He shuffled his feet and glanced sideways, smiling. I was sure that he was pleased with himself and relieved at my glowing approval.

  As I rinsed lettuce for a Caesar salad, Ty asked, “Has Eden ever dated anyone?”

  “No one seriously.” I picked up the bottle of olive oil and shook it at him. “So be tender with her. If you hurt her . . . ” I put the bottle down on the table.

  “I won’t. I promise.” His brow wrinkled as if embarrassed that I would even imply that he would.

  I set the lettuce aside to drain and opened the box of croutons. “I’m sure you’ve broken plenty of girls’ hearts.”

  He looked at me with his jaw tight. “You think I’ve been around?

  Truth is, I’ve never even kissed a girl.”

  My mouth dropped open. He can’t be serious. If he is, I seriously adore this guy. Is he too good to be real?

  “It’s true.” He pulled one hand out of his pants pocket and held it out, palm up.

  “Thanks for telling me that.”

  OK, you can stop the interrogation now, Olivia. Go easy on him.

  I began to chop the lettuce, then shot him a wide grin. “You know, I think this evening is going to be perfect.” His shoulders dropped as some tension released. I decided I needed to encourage him so he wouldn’t be so nervous that he’d fumble and spill something tonight. I wanted him to be himself in front of Eden.

  “I sure hope so.” Ty fiddled with his tie.

  His fidgeting was adorable. “Don’t worry. You look terrific.”

  The doorbell rang. Ty stiffened, smoothed his hair, then headed for the foyer. Resisting the urge to peek, I finished the salad and put the ingredients for the white sauce into a pan on the stove.

  As I stirred the sauce Mike appeared beside me. “So, you’re a chef now, huh?”

  “I can fake it when I need to.” I pointed to the loaf of Italian bread on the butcher-block island. “Since you’re in human form, think you could slice that for me?”

  I put a large pot of hot water on the stove and began to boil it for the ravioli, then turned to Mike.

  His eyebrows arched. “Unless you plan to slice off a finger, that’s hardly in my job description. I’m your guardian, not your servant.”

  I gasped, afraid I’d overstepped some boundary and offended him.

  But then he chuckled, and I sighed with relief.

  “Mmmm . . . smells terrific, whatever it is.” He moved toward the stove, stuck his finger in the sauce, and popped it in his mouth.

  “So do you angels eat?”

  “We don’t need to, but we can.”

  As I sawed the crusty loaf into half-inch chunks, I heard Ty say from the dining room, which was next to the kitchen, “Would you like something to drink?”

  Just in case Ty or Eden walked in, I glanced around to see if Mike was still there. He’d disappeared.

  “Sure,” Eden replied.

  “Do you like sparkling cider?”

  “I’ve never had it, but it sounds good.”

  Before Ty came into the kitchen I grabbed two goblets from the china cabinet. While he waited in the doorway I put pre-sliced lemons on the rims and poured the cider. Ty took the glasses and mouthed, “Thanks,”

  then took them out to Eden in the living room.

  “Who’s this?” I heard her ask.

  “I see you’ve met my new puppy.”

  I didn’t know he had a puppy! Where had it been while we were unpacking? The garage?

  That would go over with Eden for sure! I glanced into the living room and saw Ty nestling a little black ball of fur in his neck, then kiss the tip of its nose. “This is Twinkle. She’s a French bulldog.” He held her out toward Eden.

  When the puppy rested in her hands, she looked like she would melt.

  She hugged Twinkle to her chest, then she received a soft lick on her cheek. The pup’s little tail wagged faster the more Eden giggled.

  “Are you ready for dinner?”

  “Whenever you are.”

  That was my cue. I tossed a dishtowel over my forearm to look official and brought the salad and bread to them in the dining room, holding the large tray like an experienced server at a fancy restaurant.

  “I’m here to serve you, mademoiselle,” I said in my best attempt at a French accent.

  She chuckled.

  Ty pulled out a chair for Eden. After she sat, he handed her a linen napkin, which she laid on her lap.

  Eden fluttered her eyelashes. �
�Thank you, Ty.”

  I set the salad bowl on the tea cart beside the dining table, then placed the bread basket between them.

  “Thanks, Olivia,” they both said.

  “My pleasure.” I punched the play button on the iPod, and soft music filled the room. Behind Ty’s back I winked at Eden, tipped my head toward Ty, and mouthed, “I like him!” She stifled a smile. After wishing the couple Bon appétit, I returned to the kitchen.

  Mike stood at the stove, stirring the sauce. Beside him stood a fierce-looking warrior angel dressed in bear skins. His cloak was fastened to his neck with a bear claw. It was Eden’s angel!

  Mike spun around from where he was stirring my sauce. “Olivia, this is Cabriel, Eden’s guardian angel.”

  The warrior removed his helmet shaped like a bear’s head. “My name rhymes with Gabriel, but I’m no archangel. Nice to see you again.” He sort of grunted when he spoke and flicked his eyes back and forth from me to the floor.

  Of course he’d be here. He came with Eden!

  “Pleased to see you again.”

  I took the spoon from Mike. “I thought you weren’t supposed to assist me with menial tasks.”

  He shrugged. “I didn’t want it to burn. Besides, this stuff smells . . . heavenly.”

  Mike and Cabriel laughed, and I joined in as I checked my large pot with water that was boiling the ravioli.

  “Besides,” Mike added, “I’ve already scoped out the periphery of the property. No evil lurks here. All three of you have drenched this night in prayer, so tonight should be serene and safe. An evening to enjoy, not battle.”

  Boy, was that a relief.

  Cabriel took up a position in the doorway between the kitchen and the dining room, where he could keep an eye on Eden but also watch me and Mike.

  When I announced, “The ravioli is ready,” Cabriel lifted the heavy pan and poured it over a strainer in the sink.

  This was fun! In my wildest dreams I’d never imagined I could be making dinner with the help of two angels. The thought made me shake my head and giggle.