New Wings Read online

Page 18

  After greasing a baking sheet I placed the cooked ravioli on the pan and put it in the preheated oven.

  Just like Mom’s recipe said, the pasta turned golden brown in about four minutes. I drizzled some butter over the ravioli, then covered it with cream sauce. It looked and smelled delicious. I wished I had eaten before coming tonight, but I was too excited and nervous so I forgot. My stomach rumbled. Hopefully there’d be some leftovers.

  Holding the platter of sauce-covered ravioli, I headed toward the dining room. In the doorway, I nearly dropped the plate when I saw a tall, thin angel standing at the head of the table. His dark face was painted like an African warrior with white and red dye. His chest was bare, and a leopard skin encircled his midsection. He held a spear in his right hand, pointed end up.

  “That’s Suriel,” Mike said from behind me. “Ty’s angel.”

  Suriel pulled back his lips to smile at me, exposing a set of brilliant white teeth. A laugh rose from deep within his chest and erupted from his mouth. It was contagious, and the other angels joined him.

  I tried not to tremble as I served the main course to Ty and Eden. I didn’t want to spill anything. I wanted everything to go smoothly. And seeing this new angel caught me off guard.

  “Wow, Olivia,” Eden said. “This looks amazing. I didn’t know you were such a great cook.”

  I let out a nervous laugh. I hoped Eden would think my nervousness was the result of her compliment and not the sight of the imposing angelic being standing guard behind Ty.

  I took the half-empty salad bowl and the two salad plates back to the kitchen. I paused just inside the doorway when I heard Ty say, “Eden, I really appreciate you praying for me at the football game. Do you do that often? Pray, I mean?”

  I peeked around the corner of the doorway.

  I love that he starts with a spiritual topic.

  “Actually, I do.” Eden helped herself to the ravioli. “But I’d never prayed for someone to be healed before.”

  “Well, it sure seems to have worked.” Ty filled his plate, and the two lovebirds sat in silence, glancing at each other shyly across the table. They were so cute together.

  Eden sliced a ravioli in half with her fork. “I was honored to pray for you. But I was kinda surprised that you invited me to come here for dinner. I mean, you never even spoke to me in school before that night at the football game.”

  Ty wiped his mouth with his napkin. “I was too nervous to approach you.”

  Eden swallowed, then wiped her lips with her napkin. “You were?”

  “I’ve had a crush on you since first-grade Sunday school class.”

  “Why didn’t you say something before?” Eden asked in a breathy tone.

  “You’re the pastor’s daughter. I figured I couldn’t possibly be good enough for you.”

  Eden laughed. “I figured you’d never notice me since you’re the most popular guy in school. You must have girls flocking to your door.”

  “Yeah, but not the kind of girls I want to be with.” Ty locked eyes with Eden. They didn’t flinch for several moments.

  My heart fluttered. I was eavesdropping. Not cool. Mike tapped me on my shoulder. When I looked back he had a reprimanding look. “You shouldn’t be spying.”

  You’re right. Feeling a bit ashamed, I left the romantic scene in the dining room. “Hey, wait a minute. You guardian angels eavesdrop all the time.”

  Mike’s cheeks reddened a little. “And to be honest, it’s a little uncomfortable sometimes. But we’re not human beings. So we don’t get embarrassed about the same things you do. Besides, we have a divine purpose.”

  I took the cheesecake out of the refrigerator. “Do you think Eden can be happy with Ty?”

  “I sense his heart is pure,” Cabriel said.

  “Me too.” I looked in the drawers for a cake cutter. “But she’s been hurt so much.” Eden’s angel would know the details of her sexual abuse.

  Suriel appeared in the doorway, still holding the spear in his right hand. “I’ve fought long and hard to preserve that young man’s purity.” His deep voice rumbled. “You wouldn’t believe all the young ladies who’ve thrown themselves at him. But he has a strong spiritual foundation and a devotion to our Father. His mother prayed fervently for his purity since the day he started middle school. Her prayers have kept me quite busy.”

  That reminded me to add my own prayers to the effort. Lord, let Eden trust again. Help her to heal from her uncle’s inappropriate touching and open herself up to a pure touch. And make Ty behave himself tonight. If he doesn’t, launch Suriel’s spear at him!

  Giggling to myself, I brought out two plates of cheesecake.

  “Oh my,” Eden said. “That looks amazing. But I don’t think I could eat another bite.”

  “Me either,” Ty said. “I ate way too much of that awesome ravioli. And salad. And bread.”

  “I’m glad you liked it so much.” I set the desserts on the sideboard and picked up the dinner plates. “No sweat. Eat it later if you want.”

  “Would you like to see our backyard?” Ty asked Eden. That was my cue.

  “There’s a two-person swing under a rose trellis out there. The flowers have faded, but there’s a bright green vine around the arbor.”

  “It sounds lovely.”

  Ty came around the table to pull out her chair.

  “Thank you.” Eden looked at the floor, a smile exploding on her face.

  Ty placed his hand on her back, directing her toward the back door.

  She didn’t flinch.

  Thank You, Lord!

  “Let me get your jacket.” Ty went to the foyer to get her coat.

  When Ty was out of the room, Eden did a little shuffle dance as we exchanged smiles.

  She tried to compose herself before Ty entered the room.

  He held out her coat so she could place her arms in the sleeves. As he adjusted it on her shoulders, his fingers brushed her neck. Eden smiled. I sensed no tenseness there.

  Ty slid open the door, and the two went into the backyard. I flicked the switch, and the lanterns glowed.

  After closing the back door, Ty reached for Eden’s hand. She laced her fingers in his. Their two angels smiled as they followed the couple outside.

  I wanted to laugh and dance and sing to heaven. My friend had prayed for someone else’s physical healing, and in the process she’d received emotional healing for herself.

  I tackled the dirty dishes.

  “I wish you could give me at least a little hint of when my perfect guy will show up.”

  Mike picked up a dishtowel. “It will happen in God’s perfect timing. I don’t want you to be distracted by those kinds of thoughts, but I understand why they are on your mind now.”

  When all the dishes were washed, dried, and put where they belonged, Mike gave me a reassuring look. “You really want to know what’s going on out there, don’t you?

  “Yeah, I do.

  “It wouldn’t be eavesdropping if you went out to see if they’d like some cheesecake now.”

  “Great idea!” I rushed into the dining room, picked up the two plates, and headed for the back door. Just then, Eden’s favorite song began to play. I set down one plate so I could turn the volume up on my iPod, enabling Eden to hear it outside. Then I grabbed the desserts and headed toward the backyard.

  Ty and Eden sat close together in the swing, their two angels standing guard behind them. I stopped in the doorway, enjoying the beautiful sight.

  “Tonight was really sweet,” Eden said.

  “I can’t believe I waited so long to ask you to dinner. What do you say we make up for lost time?” Ty took hold of the tips of her fingers and stood with her. He put his hands on both sides of her face and tilted her head up. He stared into her eyes. Eden gazed longingly into his. He cupped her face and slowly moved his lips to hers, barely grazing them. Eden wrapped her arms around his neck. He ran his lips along her jaw until they reached the curve of her ear.

this OK?” he whispered. I could barely hear him, but was glad I heard him ask permission.

  A smile played across her lips. “You have no idea how OK this is.”

  “I’ve never kissed a girl before, so I hope I don’t disappoint.”

  “I’ve never kissed a boy before. So we’re even.”

  Now I was inside, gazing from the patio door out of sight.

  Foreheads touching, they laughed at their mutual awkwardness.

  “I don’t think they want dessert now,” Mike whispered in my ear.

  “You’re right. But I’m starving. I’m headed for the leftovers!”

  I sat at the kitchen table and gobbled down ravioli.

  Mike sat across from me, his chin in his hands. “You did a really nice thing tonight.”

  “Thanks. Want to pass the cheesecake?”

  He slid the pie plate toward me. “You should slow down.”

  “I can’t. For me, eating is equivalent to taking a cold shower. It’s my new way to stop thinking about ‘the one.’”

  Mike shook his head. “He’ll come. Sooner than you think!”


  “Can’t say.”

  “Urgh!” I threw my napkin at him.

  Chapter 21

  THE AIR PULSED with rhythmic club sounds as bodies undulated to the music. I danced with Christina and Eden while colored lights played on the wooden gym floor. I didn’t mind not having a date. It was actually kind of fun just goofing around dancing with my girlfriends. We’d heard about this new teen dance club and decided to check it out.

  As soon as a slow dance began, Ty whisked Eden away. Christina and I just danced together. Amid all the sweat-covered bodies around me I spotted Andy following a beautiful gothic-type girl in a floor-length white gown. They crossed the dance floor, headed toward a door with a sign over it, saying No Admittance.

  Two dark figures, both clothed in black hoodies with silver baseball hats and shoes, followed them. They weren’t dressed like any students I knew from school. Curiosity made me follow the two figures as they followed the girl and Andy. I told Christiana I was headed to the restroom.

  The girl opened the door, took Andy’s hand, and dragged him inside. The two strange guys snuck in just before the door closed.

  Who was this girl? I hoped one of the guys in black and silver was her boyfriend and they were going to catch them together making out or something. Or was one a jealous boyfriend and about to beat up Andy for sneaking into a closet with his girl? This I had to see!

  I turned the knob and pushed the door a few inches. The room was so dark I couldn’t see a thing, especially after being in a room full of lights.

  I heard loud voices not too far away. I couldn’t make out the words. At least three voices were interacting.

  I crept inside, careful not to make any noise that would reveal my presence. The large closet was one that must have been used by a janitor to store equipment. Once my eyes adjusted to the dark, I could see buckets, mops, old light bulbs, and shelving filled with various kinds of tools and equipment. A soft glow of light emanated from another room adjoining the closet.

  I peered around a cement pillar and saw Andy’s wrists chained to a rafter, his hands raised above his head. The girl in white paced around him like a cat stalking a mouse. In her left hand she held a golden whip. Andy’s chest heaved. His eyes were wide in terror. Neither said anything.

  Just behind Andy I caught a glimpse of a head of blond hair and a face with translucent blue eyes. It looked like Mike, but his chest and upper arms were covered in scars. I’d never seen my strong champion look so battered. He approached Andy from behind, flaming sword in hand. His lips curled in a sneer.

  The two black-cloaked figures stood silently to either side of Andy, their legs spread and fists clasped behind their backs.

  Andy’s mouth opened wide, revealing a double row of pointed teeth.

  I clamped my hand over my mouth to stifle a scream. He looked more demonic than human. What was he?

  Mike dropped his sword at his side. “Seraphina,” he hollered, “take him out.”

  The girl in white cracked her whip. “This is your kill.”

  Was he going to kill Andy? Was he going to kill a spirit possessing Andy?

  Mike raised his large blade. It radiated light. “I’ll send you straight to the abyss!”

  Mike circled Andy, his grasp on his sword growing tighter and his veins on his face protruding.

  “You can no longer possess this boy. You will never again attack my charge using his body.”

  Mike’s going to kill Lagarre! But how?

  Andy’s eyes rolled back in his head. His head thrashed back and forth, straining at the chains around his chest, feet, and hands.

  I inched forward, trying to get a better look at the scene. I stumbled over a string of electrical cords. When I straightened, Mike, Seraphina, and the two boys in black stared at me, mouths slackened.

  The blond boy yelled, “Who’s there?”

  The brunette asked, “Can she see us, Mike?”

  I cleared my throat and in a quivery voice said, “Yes, I can see you.”

  Oh, no. How will they take this?

  The short boy snarled, “You’d better get out of here.”

  Mike stepped forward and stood between me and Andy. “Let her be. I want her to see this.” He puffed his chest out as if to punctuate his insistence of my presence.

  “No way. Get this girl out of—”

  Andy howled and lunged toward Mike, straining against his shackles.

  He lashed at Mike with nails and teeth that resembled metal blades.

  I backed up and tripped on a bucket, collapsing on the floor with a thud.

  My lower back felt bruised, and I rubbed it as I clamored to stand up.

  Why do I have to be so clumsy? How embarrassing.

  Seraphina swirled her whip, catching Andy around the waist. He yelped and crashed to the ground.

  The taller boy lunged at Andy and jabbed a knife blade into his chest.

  Bluish-green liquid gushed from the jagged gash.

  Wow, is that the color of demon blood?

  Andy’s body rolled, flailing and gurgling as he held his hand over his bleeding chest. After a few moments of writhing and moaning, Andy’s body went limp.

  Is he dead?

  Seraphina grazed her whip softly across Mike’s wound, and it closed, leaving no scar behind.

  That’s no normal whip. She seems to be able to control whether it wounds or not.

  Mike stood over Andy, raised his own leg, and smashed it into Andy’s already wounded chest. “Go straight to the abyss, Lagarre!”

  Mike was facing away from me, but I could see that he’d sprinkled something on Andy’s body. What is that?

  Andy’s body convulsed violently, then went limp.

  I stepped closer. Not a trace of blood remained on his chest or on the floor.

  Where did the blood go?

  Seraphina and the boys in black vanished.

  Mike bent over Andy, his wings hanging limp against his body.

  “Lagarre will never return. The Lord of All gave me authority to end this feud once and for all.”

  Why couldn’t he end his life earlier? Had there been a purpose in his lingering? Maybe for me to learn my final lesson in discernment when it came to boys?

  I clamored to Andy’s side and held his head in my hands, his body limp and eyes closed. Would he be OK when I saw him in school on Monday? He’ll sure need the weekend to recover from this.

  Mike tucked something tiny into a pouch on his waist. “He won’t bother you anymore.”

  What a relief. But I was more concerned that Andy would be all right at that moment.

  I gently set Andy’s head back on the floor, then raised my eyes to scan Mike’s body. “Why are you so scarred?”

  “I incur many wounds in my battles for you—and others. I usually hide them when you see me.” He fluffed out his wings and curled t
hem around his body to cover the scars.

  Come to think of it, when he appears in human form he’s usually covered in a long-sleeved shirt and jeans. Tonight he was shirtless and was wearing a tunic-type skirt. Golden shin guards covered his legs, and his chest glistened with a matching golden breast plate.

  “I’m so sorry I caused those.”

  The corner of Mike’s mouth turned up. “I consider them badges of honor.”

  My eyes misted. What sacrifices he had made for me, ones I’d witnessed, and surely many in my past.

  Andy began to stir and groan.

  Mike nodded in Andy’s direction. “We need to go before he wakes up.”

  “I can’t just leave him here. Won’t he need medical help?”

  “He’ll be OK. He’ll assume he blacked out and feel a bit disoriented. He won’t remember what happened.”

  “So he won’t remember trying to rape me either?”


  That was a relief since I’d have to face him in school. Perhaps it would cut out the awkwardness in seeing each other.

  “Is Andy a ‘good guy’ now?” My usual conflicted feelings for Andy began to stir in my stomach.

  “Give him some time.” Mike read my mind. “Don’t rush into being too ‘familiar’ with him for a while.”

  “You’re trying to say he’s not ‘the one’?”

  Mike nodded slowly, his head cocked to one side. “Try to concentrate on your spiritual walk right now, your friends, and school. OK?”

  “You’re right. And I trust you, Mike.” I stepped forward and threw my arms around his shoulders, practically bouncing off his chest it was so solid. Then with my hands remaining on his shoulders, I traced my index finger on my right hand across a scar on his left side that led from his collarbone to the middle of his bicep.

  “Me?” I cringed.

  “No.” His eyes stared at the floor. “Lagarre,” he growled.

  “But that’s over now, right?” I dropped my arms to my sides.

  Mike lifted his gaze and looked me in the eyes. “Not really. He has cohorts that would love to carry out his revenge, as well as avenge the death of one of their own. Lagarre’s son, for one.”

  I peered into his liquid-crystal blue eyes. His brow furrowed in worry.